A Trip to Turkey |トルコ旅行


My highlight this month is definitely a trip to Turkey. About 9 years ago,  I saw a documentary about earth, which said that "Istanbul is located right on top of an active fault. The dome of Haga Sofia may collapse if there is an another huge earthquake." Since then Istanbul has been one of my top 5 places to visit in the near future.

Turkey has full of treasures which come from the long history of Eastern Europe. It is shameful that I have so little knowledge about Turkey and its history and culture. I tried so hard to take photos of beautiful and impressive sites and things in exactly the way I saw and felt. However, it was almost impossible to do so with my poor photography skill with so little time I could spend at each places. I take my hat off to professional photographers who are able to convey messages of the world through their great photos of the perfect moments.

In this trip, we were able to stop by at many different places such as Troy, Ephesus, Pamukkale, Konya, Cappadocia and Istanbul. The total of photos I've taken was over 500, however, I wasn't satisfied how they turned out color wise and the composition wise. If I must choose one, this photo below may be a good one to show how magnificent the ancient reminds in Turkey are.

Nikon D80 | ISO100 | 18mm | f11 | 1/60sec

Nikon D80 | ISO 1600 | 18mm | f1 4.5 | 1/20sec

Nikon D80 | ISO 800 | 40mm | f1 5.6 | 1/25sec



無知で申し訳なかったと反省するほど、トルコは中国にも勝る長い歴史が生み出した世界遺産と独自文化の宝庫だった。それらを見たときの感動を少しでも画像として残そうと必死にシャッターを切ったのだが、その壮大さや美しさ、文化の違いを見たままにフレームに収めるのは困難きわまりなく、相棒のNikon D80はただのバカチョンカメラと化してしまったのが実に残念だった。限られた短い時間でその場の状況を伝えるべく活動する戦場カメラマンや報道写真家には頭が下がる。

