A Dilemma while Designing | デザインのジレンマ

[English is at the bottom]

4/7(土) 11:00~19:00
4/8(日) 11:00~17:00
ギャラリー・ライズ: 武蔵野市吉祥寺喜多町1-2-11



NOMAD2012(写真展)のDMは、手に取ってもらい写真展を見に行きたい・・・という興味につながるような「インパクト」をコンセプトにデザインした。写真展のテーマのコントラストがうまく表現できていてイメージ的にはすごく気に入っているが、このデザインには重大な問題がある。それは、「写真展が開かれる事を告知する」という目的がうまくできていない点。写真に関するDMだということが伝わるように黒淵や写真構成を決めるときの手のポーズを用いてみたが、今 冷静になって見てみると、パッと見、写真の知識がそこまでない人に、DMのイメージと「写真」が結びつくかどうか微妙だなと思う。




In school, I was taught that I must be able to explained the visual solutions of my own design works. This makes a clear difference between design and fine art. Of course, there are messages behind the most arts; however it is usually up to the viewer's interpretation. On contrary, graphic design will have a clear objective and a concept, and the message behind it must be delivered to the viewers.

The direct mail I designed for the Nomad group photo gallery 2012 has a concept "to have an enough impact visually" to make the viewers want to pick it up from among other direct mails. Although I once really liked how it turned out, I can't deny that there is a huge problem with this design. It is not completely fulfilling the purpose "to announce the opening of group photo gallery and what kind of photographs there will be."

In this design, I have placed a black border from oversize enlarger in the dark room as a frame of the DM and a posing hands from when deciding photo's composition in order to show that this direct mail is about photography, . Unfortunately I am not sure how many people will actually see the connection between this direct mail and photography by the first look.

I am also worried that this direct mail has failed to show the viewers the atmosphere of the gallery by giving it a vintage look. The actual place has a completely white wall and has no element of vintage. To tell the truth, I designed it completely ignoring everything except for the theme, "contrast." Although how much I like the design of this direct mail, I regret that I could not show the atmosphere of gallery in it. Next time, I will create a direct mail that I won't regret, and make sure to deliver a clear message to the viewers.
