Problems Japan faces Vol.2 (National Budget & Health Care) | 日本が抱える問題2 (国家予算と医療費)
[English at the bottom]
このころは、総合的に”感染症”が最も深刻であった。(圧制労働省「人口動態統計」) 戦後、これらの病気は医療の発達によって改善される。
■癌 (現在2人に1人が癌で死亡)
国家予算92兆4000億円 ー (税収40兆9000億円 + その他の収入7兆2000億円) = 借金44兆3000億円
これでは、私たち世代の老後はお先真っ暗。借金が帳消しになれば良いのに・・・と思うが、そのほとんどがわれわれ国民の貯金やその他諸々から借りているものなので、そんなわけにはいかない。この借金を減らすには二つしか方法がないらしい。”インフラ”又は”増税” どっちもいやだ。
The other day, my sister and I went to a seminar to learn about a basic system of our body in order to improve our health (specifically for my sister's skin problem). And there, the speaker briefly mentioned about the national budget and health care budget in Japan, and it was completely shocking to me. I know I'd have to be careful with the source of all the information coming in. With that in my mind, I want to go over what I learned.
Before the WWII, top 3 causes of death in Japan were below.
> gastroenteritis
> pneumonia
> tuberculosis
Infectious diseases were very serious at the time. Fortunately, with the improvement of medical practices, they became non-fatal.
After the WWII, top 3 causes of death in Japan were following.
> cancer (currently, 1 in 2 people die from it)
> a heart disease
> a stroke
In mid-1990s, "diabetes" and "chronic liver disease" were added to this list. After many research, it became clear that these diseases are caused by aging and our unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, they are now generally called "lifestyle diseases." Only a itty bitty bits of people can actually end their lives naturally.
Lately, these diseases appear at greater rates in younger populations. Even if one appear to be healthy outside, he/she may be next in line to catch them. We just never know because we can't see inside of our body. And since we can't see, we don't have enough motivation to put extra effort to stay healthy.
We would absolutely care about our health if it greatly affects us financially. According to Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japanese National Budget in 2011 was ¥92.4 trillion. About ¥39 trillion out of ¥92.4 trillion are given to the Health Care. It is about 40% of the National Budge. Let's look at a simple calculation below.
Japanese National Budget (2011) ¥92.4 trillion - ( Japanese tax revenue ¥40.9 trillion + other revenue ¥7.2 trillion = Japanese national debt ¥44.3 trillion
Our health care budget is about the same as our tax revenue. How scary is this?
To make this amount of money realistic, let's calculate the total height of ¥39 trillion worth of ¥10,000 (about $100) bill in one pile. ¥1,000,000 ($1,000) worth of ¥10,000 bills in one stack is about 1 cm. ¥39 trillion is 39,000m. It is over 10 times higher than the Japanese tallest mountain, Mt. Fuji (3,774m).
Our near future has no hope. An increasing national debt every year will eventually weigh really heavy on our daily life. Because our tax revenue is not covering a half of our national budget. Soon, we will be paying a high medical bill on top our high insurance and tax, while economic infrastructure is occurring.
We cannot trust our government. We will have to protect ourselves. A good start would be to not get sick, especially like lifestyle diseases since these sickness can be prevented by improving our lifestyle. It will be a good investment putting extra effort and money to stay healthy and to gain a bright future.
このころは、総合的に”感染症”が最も深刻であった。(圧制労働省「人口動態統計」) 戦後、これらの病気は医療の発達によって改善される。
■癌 (現在2人に1人が癌で死亡)
国家予算92兆4000億円 ー (税収40兆9000億円 + その他の収入7兆2000億円) = 借金44兆3000億円
これでは、私たち世代の老後はお先真っ暗。借金が帳消しになれば良いのに・・・と思うが、そのほとんどがわれわれ国民の貯金やその他諸々から借りているものなので、そんなわけにはいかない。この借金を減らすには二つしか方法がないらしい。”インフラ”又は”増税” どっちもいやだ。
The other day, my sister and I went to a seminar to learn about a basic system of our body in order to improve our health (specifically for my sister's skin problem). And there, the speaker briefly mentioned about the national budget and health care budget in Japan, and it was completely shocking to me. I know I'd have to be careful with the source of all the information coming in. With that in my mind, I want to go over what I learned.
Before the WWII, top 3 causes of death in Japan were below.
> gastroenteritis
> pneumonia
> tuberculosis
Infectious diseases were very serious at the time. Fortunately, with the improvement of medical practices, they became non-fatal.
After the WWII, top 3 causes of death in Japan were following.
> cancer (currently, 1 in 2 people die from it)
> a heart disease
> a stroke
In mid-1990s, "diabetes" and "chronic liver disease" were added to this list. After many research, it became clear that these diseases are caused by aging and our unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, they are now generally called "lifestyle diseases." Only a itty bitty bits of people can actually end their lives naturally.
Lately, these diseases appear at greater rates in younger populations. Even if one appear to be healthy outside, he/she may be next in line to catch them. We just never know because we can't see inside of our body. And since we can't see, we don't have enough motivation to put extra effort to stay healthy.
We would absolutely care about our health if it greatly affects us financially. According to Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japanese National Budget in 2011 was ¥92.4 trillion. About ¥39 trillion out of ¥92.4 trillion are given to the Health Care. It is about 40% of the National Budge. Let's look at a simple calculation below.
Japanese National Budget (2011) ¥92.4 trillion - ( Japanese tax revenue ¥40.9 trillion + other revenue ¥7.2 trillion = Japanese national debt ¥44.3 trillion
Our health care budget is about the same as our tax revenue. How scary is this?
To make this amount of money realistic, let's calculate the total height of ¥39 trillion worth of ¥10,000 (about $100) bill in one pile. ¥1,000,000 ($1,000) worth of ¥10,000 bills in one stack is about 1 cm. ¥39 trillion is 39,000m. It is over 10 times higher than the Japanese tallest mountain, Mt. Fuji (3,774m).
Our near future has no hope. An increasing national debt every year will eventually weigh really heavy on our daily life. Because our tax revenue is not covering a half of our national budget. Soon, we will be paying a high medical bill on top our high insurance and tax, while economic infrastructure is occurring.
We cannot trust our government. We will have to protect ourselves. A good start would be to not get sick, especially like lifestyle diseases since these sickness can be prevented by improving our lifestyle. It will be a good investment putting extra effort and money to stay healthy and to gain a bright future.
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