A trip to Vietnam | ベトナム旅行
[English at the bottom]
ベトナム南部にあるU Mihnという村は、私が行った事のある場所の中ではダントツ一位で別世界だった。言葉では表す事の出来ない村並みで、写真に収めては見たものの、実際にその場にいないと伝わらない雰囲気がそこにはあった。更に、ハイピッチだったものの村を一通り回る事で、最近の歴史の傷跡を目の当たりにして感情的になり、それでも強く生きる人々と植物に感動した。3ヶ月経った今でも尚、何か出来る事はないのか?と時々考えてしまう。
そんな裏側の現状とは裏腹に、U Minhは自然豊かで植物が生い茂り、のどかでいい村だった。マンゴーやドリアン、バナナが普通に民家や道端になっていたり、高い建物には一切遮られることなく地平線まで続くマングローブの森があったり。緑を東京に持って帰りたかった。また、何といってもベトナム人のくつろぎ方が半端ない。お店の椅子がなんとハンモッグ。ゆらゆら揺られながら練乳入りの冷たいコーヒーを飲む・・・。私の将来の夢が一つ増えた。家にハンモッグを置いてくつろぎながら本を読む!
My highlight of the first half of 2012 is my trip to Vietnam. Of all the places in Asia where I'm eager to go, I choose this country because I have a friend who is living in the South of Vietnam where even Vietnamese don't go. I couldn't miss this opportunity especially since I love visiting non-touristy places more than the touristy places.
In this trip, I concentrated on absorbing everything I see instead of taking pictures.
The village called U Minh, is located at the most South of Vietnam, and it was absolutely different world I've ever seen. I don't know how to describe the village. I took some pictures but they don't show exactly what I saw and felt. On the first day, I took a brief tour of the village and I got emotional when I saw the scars of the recent history of Vietnam. At the same time I was cheered up by seeing powerful vitality people and plants have.
The aftermath of the Vietnam war was still there. I saw a mother of a little girl having a difficulty from the aftereffects of the agent orange, which was passed on from generation to generation. Apparently, the symptoms didn't appear until she was married and had a child. It had affected not only herself, but also her whole family mentally and financially. Her husband ran away, so now her family has a very little income from the grand mother. They sold their land for money, and still has a huge debt from medical bill. Unlike the lifestyle diseases, which is the consequence of our own bad lifestyle, the aftereffects of the agent orange appears without one's control. It's been four months since I came back from Vietnam and still I think about if there is anything I can do about it.
The village, U Minh itself was such a beautiful place rich in nature. Fruits like Mangos, durians and bananas are growing on the roadside and inside the lot. I wanted to bring some of the nature back to Tokyo. I also wanted to bring back a hammock, which I saw everywhere in Vietnamese stores. How wonderful is it to Drink ice coffee with condensed milk in it, while laying down on a hammock. On the other hand, Ho Chi Minh was a progressively modernizing big city revealing rich and poor. There was definitely a rich area where brand shops a lined up like 6th avenue in NY; however, there are also street markets a couple blocks from there.
I'd love to visit a north of Vietnam next time.
ベトナム南部にあるU Mihnという村は、私が行った事のある場所の中ではダントツ一位で別世界だった。言葉では表す事の出来ない村並みで、写真に収めては見たものの、実際にその場にいないと伝わらない雰囲気がそこにはあった。更に、ハイピッチだったものの村を一通り回る事で、最近の歴史の傷跡を目の当たりにして感情的になり、それでも強く生きる人々と植物に感動した。3ヶ月経った今でも尚、何か出来る事はないのか?と時々考えてしまう。
そんな裏側の現状とは裏腹に、U Minhは自然豊かで植物が生い茂り、のどかでいい村だった。マンゴーやドリアン、バナナが普通に民家や道端になっていたり、高い建物には一切遮られることなく地平線まで続くマングローブの森があったり。緑を東京に持って帰りたかった。また、何といってもベトナム人のくつろぎ方が半端ない。お店の椅子がなんとハンモッグ。ゆらゆら揺られながら練乳入りの冷たいコーヒーを飲む・・・。私の将来の夢が一つ増えた。家にハンモッグを置いてくつろぎながら本を読む!
My highlight of the first half of 2012 is my trip to Vietnam. Of all the places in Asia where I'm eager to go, I choose this country because I have a friend who is living in the South of Vietnam where even Vietnamese don't go. I couldn't miss this opportunity especially since I love visiting non-touristy places more than the touristy places.
In this trip, I concentrated on absorbing everything I see instead of taking pictures.
The village called U Minh, is located at the most South of Vietnam, and it was absolutely different world I've ever seen. I don't know how to describe the village. I took some pictures but they don't show exactly what I saw and felt. On the first day, I took a brief tour of the village and I got emotional when I saw the scars of the recent history of Vietnam. At the same time I was cheered up by seeing powerful vitality people and plants have.
The aftermath of the Vietnam war was still there. I saw a mother of a little girl having a difficulty from the aftereffects of the agent orange, which was passed on from generation to generation. Apparently, the symptoms didn't appear until she was married and had a child. It had affected not only herself, but also her whole family mentally and financially. Her husband ran away, so now her family has a very little income from the grand mother. They sold their land for money, and still has a huge debt from medical bill. Unlike the lifestyle diseases, which is the consequence of our own bad lifestyle, the aftereffects of the agent orange appears without one's control. It's been four months since I came back from Vietnam and still I think about if there is anything I can do about it.
The village, U Minh itself was such a beautiful place rich in nature. Fruits like Mangos, durians and bananas are growing on the roadside and inside the lot. I wanted to bring some of the nature back to Tokyo. I also wanted to bring back a hammock, which I saw everywhere in Vietnamese stores. How wonderful is it to Drink ice coffee with condensed milk in it, while laying down on a hammock. On the other hand, Ho Chi Minh was a progressively modernizing big city revealing rich and poor. There was definitely a rich area where brand shops a lined up like 6th avenue in NY; however, there are also street markets a couple blocks from there.
I'd love to visit a north of Vietnam next time.
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