Problems Japan faces Vo.1 (Military Base) | 日本が抱える問題1 (基地編)

[English at the bottom]

早朝の頭がさえた時間を利用してネットで朝日新聞に目を通してみる。芸能/スポーツ/社会事件記事はとりあえずスルーして始めに目に留まったのが「野田首相、5月訪米へ 大統領との会談調整」 という記事。内容は野田総理が在日米軍再編見直しとTTPについて話をつけてくるつもりというもの。そういえば最近朝のテレビしか見ないせいか、野田総理 や基地問題の話題にあまり触れていない。情報収集という点ではあまりにもテレビという媒体に頼りがちな私。補導されているところを見ないと重要な問題もだ んだん忘れがちになってしまう。


ま ず、在日米軍再編のきっかけは、米国防総省が冷戦型の米軍配置を世界的に見直しすることを本格化した事らしい。米国は警戒する地域に即応可能な体制を目指 していて、日本の役割はというと後方支援ということになっている。ちなみに警戒する地域とは”不安定の弧”といってアフリカやバルカン半島から中東を通っ て、東南アジア、朝鮮半島に至る、帯状の紛争多発地域のことである。なるほど、ニュースでよく耳にする国が含まれている地域だ。地図で色を塗ってみるとこ んな感じだろうか・・・?東南アジアってどこまでふくまれるんだろう・・・?ちょっと自信がない。

こ こで、1つ気になる事を発見。ネット上のアメリカ人が書いたと思われる他の資料を見ると、再編という中途半端であやふやな言葉は使わ ず、"downsizing the military base in Japan" つまり、在日米軍の縮小という言葉を使っている。そして背景には、世界の治安を守るだのは表向きの言い分で、裏では、日本に米軍を駐在させるにはコストが かかりすぎるというのが大きな理由となっているようである。日本も負担しているのでは?数多い在日米軍基地のためにどのようなお金がどのように回っている のか調べなくては・・・。

さて、日本で今起きている問題がメディアに大きく取り上げられるきっかけとなったのは、 2005年10月29日に行われた日米安保協議委員会でまとめられた中間報告(アメリカは確定している内容だと主張している)の内容である。一番一般的に 知られているのは「不可欠な措置として基地機能の移転」が合意されたことなのだが、なぜ、不可欠なのか調べないとよくわからない。滑走路の長さが・・・と いう話は聞いた事がある。又、この委員会では沖縄の基地以外の基地の事も話し合われ、いろいろ決断されている。



最 大の疑問は、この問題に解決策はあるのだろうか?ということ。こうなってしまった以上、話は堂々巡りするしかないのではないか?どの県も米軍基地など受け 入れたがらない。ましてや、役に立ってくれるのかどうかわからない米軍のための米軍基地建設代を税金から抜き取られるなんて知りたくも無い事実である。

日本側: 外務大臣(当時:麻生太郎)/防衛庁長官(当時:大野功統)
米側: 国務長官(当時:ライス)/国防長官(当時:ラムズフェルド)


The other night after talking to my friend, I realized that I should pay more attention to the current news in Japan. Therefore, one morning while I was wide-awake and had a clear mind, I decided to skim through a newspaper online.
The first article that caught my eyes on was about our Prime Minister planning to visit the U.S. and try to see the President to talk about the realignment of the U.S. Forces Japan and also TTP. Come to think of it, I don't hear of the U.S. forces problem in Okinawa as often as I did before. It is sad to realize that the most of my source of the current news is from TV. When the TV media don't broadcast the topics while  I'm watching, I tend to forget about them.

Anyhow, since I had a very little knowledge about the problem of the U.S. forces in Okinawa, I decided to start my study with this topic by asking wikipedia. Let just forget about reliability of it for now. I'll solve that problem by researching deeper later.

First of all, what has started the realignment of the U.S. Forces Japan is that the U.S. Department of Defense decided to revise the position of military base world wide. Apparently they want to respond to any issue that could occur in the region in the world where they are cautious of. The region is known as the Arc of Instability. It refers to politically unstable nation states in Asian-Pacific. Why does the U.S. always have to be in control of everything? However, this may not be the main reason. According to another source written by non-Japanese, which I found online, downsizing the U.S. military base in Japan would benefit the U.S. financially. Apparently the cost of having the military base in Japan is very high.

The Japanese media got into action to broadcast the issue on the U.S. Military in Okinawa when Japan and the U.S. had the "2+2" meeting on October 29, 2005. They came to an agreement that relocation of Futenma Air Station in Okinawa operated by the U.S. Marine Corps is necessary. Somewhere where they can have longer runway.

So some of our main issues seem to be ones below.
- Before the U.S. and Japan came to any agreement in the 2+2 meeting, they failed to ask the local government and the residents of Okinawa about it.
- We are worried that Japan would force to be a part of America's world strategy.
- People in Japan is opposed to the relocating place that was chosen to build another base in exchange for closing Futenma Air Station. The place is Henoko, the north of Okinawa.

After finding out a bit about the whole issue, the questions rose in my head.
- Why did the Japanese government forget to talk to the resident of Okinawa before they made any big decision?
- I'd like to know what kind of nerve America has, to build another military base after knowing there are a number problem between the Okinawan and the thousands of young American GIs. Noting that there are numerous robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders of Japanese citizens by them every year. Is it because we are paying for the new base and they don't have to spend as much money? Since they seem to care more about money, I cannot stop doubting that if the U.S. will really protect Japan when something happen.
- Why do both Japanese and the U.S. government ignore the fact that Henoko is biologically very valuable? There are endangered species like sea cows and blue coral. Not only that, There are many discoveries of new species around this area.

The biggest question Is that "is there any way to solve this problem?" I feel like it will just go round in circle and will get nowhere. No prefecture will want to accept the U.S. military base, now. More over, it feels that it is unacceptable that our tax will be used to create a new base somewhere in Japan without a strong proof that the U.S. forces will be beneficial to us.  I guess I will need more research on this subject to get the answers for my questions.
